Kundalini Yoga
Yogi Bhajan, a master of Kundalini Yoga, was given the mission to bring Kundalini Yoga to the West. In 1969, he went to America to share this technology and science with all.
He often mentioned 2011 as the beginning of the Aquarian Age, the Age of information and technology. Yogi Bhajan said that the overload of information and opportunities would overwhelm people and they would need a strong nervous and glandular system to cope and be able to enjoy it all, Kundalini Yoga would be the HumanTechnology to enJOY the Aquarian Age.
What is Kundalini Yoga?
Kundalini is a Sanskrit word that means “one which is coiled”. This is a symbolic way to express our innate energy that is dormant at the base of the spine.
In India, Kundalini energy is referred to the energy of vitality, health and the creative potential as human beings. Kundalini Yoga is a practice that aims to awaken this energy by raising consciousness and awareness, hence it is also called “the Yoga of Awareness”.
Kundalini Yoga is like a manual for the human
consciousness, and as complete Yogic Sciences works in all aspects of Human Energy: Body, Mind and Spirit.
Kundalini Yoga balances these three energies. When there is balance, there is health, vitality, happiness, joy and most importantly, there is an enjoyment and gratitude for Life.
Kundalini Yoga has been practiced for over 4000 years and it is considered the mother of all yogas. As a
sacred science and technology it was passed from
Masters to students.
Kundalini Yoga intersected with the lineage of many Yogic Masters and the Sikh Gurus such as Guru Nanak, Guru Gobind Singh and Guru Ram Das.

All Welcome
Kundalini Yoga consists of simple yogic techniques that can be enjoyed by everyone, from absolute beginners to advanced students, no matter age or physical abilities.
Kundalini Yoga is for all, it is safe and gentle Yoga, designed to systematically attune the mind, body and spirit.
I offer different types of Kundalini Yoga classes:
Please check the links bellow to choose your class.
Therapeutic Sunday Morning Classes in Cambridge at Bodywise Studio: 9:30-11:00 am (90min) drop in-£10 per class/block of 6 classes £50
Gong Bath & vibrational Medicine Class
Monthly days varies please (click here for more info and booking)
A Fusion of Gong Bath that may or may not be mixed with other vibrational medicine modalities: Essential oils (aromatherapy), Light Therapy, Pranayam, Meditation & an array of sound healing instruments
Specifically designed to relax and revitalise
early bid ticket £7, drop in £10
1:2:1 Classes in London Covent Garden & Cambridge:
please contact to book
(90min with gong bath)
£65 Cambs/£85 London
What to expect from a Kundalini Yoga class?
Kundalini Yoga Classes have the following structure:
“Tuning in”: To start the class we tune in chanting the Adi Mantra (Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo) that connects us to the wisdom and teacher within, centering the mind and the self to make the most of the yoga class.
“Pranayam”: Before warm-ups the class may have a Pranayam which is a breathing technique most vital to move the Kundalini Energy.
Breath is the vital link to life; it regulates the energy of life, the quality of emotions and ability to direct the mind. Kundalini Yoga uses breath scientifically to change the states of energy in the body. Pranayam is present in all Kriyas in a Kundalini Yoga class.
“Warm-up”: We use a series of asanas (postures) or exercises aiming to prepare the body for the Kriya that will follow.
“Kriya”: A Kriya is a set of yoga postures, breathing techniques, mudras, mantras, with a specific aim.
Kriyas were formulated and tested by sages and yogi masters thousand of years ago, they are perfectly balanced and timed. In one Kriya one can immediately achieve a complete physical, mental and spiritual balance. It works so effectively because it is complete action, it balances and works with the Kundalini Energy itself.
“Relaxation”: We relax on the back in Savasana or Corpse Pose. Sometimes there is a Gong Bath during relaxation to enhance its effects.
Relaxation is one of the most important part of a kundalini Yoga class. It allows the glandular secretions to be circulated throughout the body, to balance the cardiac rhythm and to relax the nervous system. During the relaxation the energy that has been released during the class will be settled and distributed so that the body can be in a new state of equilibrium.
“Meditation”: The Kriya prepares the Mind and Body for the Meditation. Meditation is a thought garbage cleaner that uses techniques such as breathing, visualisations, mantras and body movements in order to help the mind to find a point of stillness and neutrality.
Meditation quietens the mind, promotes a sense of well being, allows the body to heal and brings peace and calmness. It develops intuition, releases unconscious habits, subconscious fears and blocks.
“Closing the Class”: We tune out by chanting three long Sat Nam. Sat means the Truth and Nam name; Sat Nam means Truth is my Identity/Name.
Yogi Bhajan has said that chanting this mantra “awakens the soul”. The mantra Sat Nam can be used to smooth out and balance mental energy. Tuning out with this mantra brings the feeling of calmness and connection with the true self.
Preparing for a class
Try to arrive 10-5 minutes before the class starts.
Ideally avoid eating 2-3 hours before a class or have a very light snack 1hour before class.
Wear loose and comfortable, natural fibre clothing, preferably white. Long hair should be tight up to be out of way when doing some exercises. Have a bottle of water with you. Bring a blanket or shawl to cover yourself for relaxation and meditation. Mats are provided.
During the classes take responsibility for your body, and go with your limits. Being your teacher I will do my very best to support, serve and instruct you to safely enjoy the class.

Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo

Warm up





